Monday, June 2, 2014

Senaida's blog

In Senaida's blog, I learned that one of our city's most infamous investigation was into Selena's murder. I also found out that in her research he found that one of the vertical files on the library was stolen, just her luck. I found that interesting and funny too.

bay fest!

I as looking at my friend Jeremy's blog and i learned that Bayfest was a sort of carnival that included many different types of entertainment like concerts, games,roller coasters, and etc. I have never been to the Bay Fest before so I didn't know what it was all about.  I just thought that it was a concert and that was it. I didn't know it had all the other stuff too.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guaranty Title Company

The Guaranty Title Company  is distinctly related to the Whataburger Company only because they are both in relation to business practices. Although the Guaranty Title Company is long gone, they are still connected by providing financial benefits and growth to Corpus.

Braodway Bluff Improvement

During the City Beautiful Movement, an engineer named Alexander Potter had turned a 40-foot high natural 'bluff' separating downtown and uptown and into the focal point of the city. I found this interesting because it is very beautiful and if I could I would like to go and visit this.


I used a website to complete this project. It was not difficult, just time consuming and a little confusing especially when trying to navigate to the process of building the website but other then that everything is good.

History Project URL:

Monday, May 26, 2014


My collection of my research seems to be going well, but I am still having a few bumps here and there, especially in regards to the interview. I haven't been able to get anymore since then, unfortunately. Because of that I am focusing more and more on the history of it.

I am also unsure in whether or not to do and exhibit board or a the moment, I am leaning towards the exhibit board but I lack the resources to get it and an shying away form the website because I am unsure on how to make it or how much to put on it. I know my history teacher does NOT  want an essay and frankly I don't want to write one, but I am unsure on how much he wants. More text or more visual?

 As of now, I am just going to see if I can find a good balance of the two and be as straight to the point as possible.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Plane Crash

After I went to the library earlier this week, I found something Interesting as I was going through my notes. Mr. Harmon Dobson, the co-Founder of Whataburger Co., died on April 11, 1967, which left his wife and widow, Grace, to take control over the of the business. I found this sad and interesting.